Sixtyone plus Donald

  • It's the waiting!..... .

    Yesterday while waiting for my surgery I wrote an update for here but it hasn't sent it as signal wasn't great in waiting room.  It was all about the waiting and how it was nearly over, little did I know. I arrived at 7.30am and was expe...
  • It's nearly time!

    Well, it's now 36 hours till hospital admission time! I can't quite believe that within 6 weeks I've been diagnosed with breast cancer and am about to have surgery to remove Donald! I am so grateful for the NHS and routine mammograms. And...
  • Pre op checks

    Been a busy week. Surgeon meeting went well. Plenty of time for questions and date set for surgery. 28th Feb.  Next day I had a mag seed popped in, to help Surgeon find Donald! Just back from pre-op physical checks . The tick list was done over ...
  • Day before meeting the surgeon

    Hello, here I am up at 4am having a cup of tea as OH's alarm woke me and I can't get back to sleep. Been sitting with him for more than an hour and total conversation consists of how many turns it took to get the Wordle!  Obviously he is...
  • How do you tell people?

    I'm struggling to tell people I've been diagnosed with breast cancer. I've only told my employer and a few close friends.  I keep thinking I'll tell them when I know what the plan is, then put it off till the next appointment is ...