How do you tell people?

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I'm struggling to tell people I've been diagnosed with breast cancer. I've only told my employer and a few close friends.  I keep thinking I'll tell them when I know what the plan is, then put it off till the next appointment is done.  My husband and son and daughter know and I've told them to find someone they can unload to as that person would normally be me. Why then was I so angry that OH told someone before asking if it was okay with me?  It's obviously still annoying me as I feel the need to have a moan about it here! Is it because I want to be ' normal ' for as long as possible? Does everyone need to know? 

  • Hi, telling people, or not, is a tough one and it's very personal and there's no right or wrong.  I took the decision to be open about the whole thing right from the start and I used what's app to control the number of times I had to actually speak to people.  My only bit of advice is not to be too precise on letting people know appointment dates.  When I got the bad news, everyone was asking me and I felt forced to respond and I wasn't really in control or ready to tell.  I did it differently for subsequent appointments which worked better for me.  I also found that most people took a lead from me and stopped asking me or treating me differently.  Best of luck 

  • Thanks for your reply. I have found that now I have a date for surgery and know what I'm dealing with I have managed to say to some people what is happening.  I'm just going to tell people if I feel okay with them knowing. Certainly won't be featuring updates on Facebook.  

  • Hi I told everyone I knew almost straight away and I’ve no regrets but it can be a bit onerous trying to remember who I’ve updated and also feeling the need to update. So from now I’ve decided to post my updates on Facebook so that the majority of people can see what’s happening there and then I write a set update that my hubby and I just paste into WhatsApp groups. 

  • Hi I feel the same as you... only told a few close people and that was hard and like you someone I'd asked to keep to self told our other close friends I was really cross as not their place to say but needed my energy to focus on myself so I let it go.