It's the waiting!..... .

2 minute read time.

Yesterday while waiting for my surgery I wrote an update for here but it hasn't sent it as signal wasn't great in waiting room. 

It was all about the waiting and how it was nearly over, little did I know. I arrived at 7.30am and was expecting to be 2nd on the list. All the pre-op checks had been done previously so a chat with the anaesthetist,  a weight and blood pressure check, even the radio isotope injection to highlight the sentinel lymph nodes went well. Not forgetting the lovely white stockings.  

A good chat with the surgeon and confirmed I was 2nd but she hadn't expected me in till 10am. Good job I'd brought my book and my booster charger for my phone. After an hour the nurse brought me a lovely hot blanket and moved me to the comfy electric chair. This turned into a good move as I was about to find out. About 11.45 one of the team came through to say I was being moved down the running order as the other person needed in before me. What do you say? Have a tantrum and demand to go first? No, that's okay.  When do you think it'll be? 1 o'clock? No  says he nearer 2. So I smile and say what? okay.

And so we wait..... I'm allowed a small cup of water just before 1pm  oh the excitement!  My wee companion went off for her surgery,  she was on a different list and still I'm waiting.  About 3.10 a nurse came in and asked was I okay? And I burst into tears! She comforted me and went off to see what was happening.  Shortly after that the anaesthetist came in to take me through. Honestly I was exhausted,  I thought I'd be home by now and here I was just getting started. Everyone was lovely and apologetic when I got in theatre but I think I was too tired to care by then. A bit of random chat about Inverness and next thing I'm waking up in recovery ward. The waiting was over. For today at least but general anaesthetic and painkillers help you not to focus further than the hot toast and tea the lovely nurse brought me. An accompanied visit to the loo and another cup of tea later and it's time to get dressed. Almost there. 7.30pm and I am walking back the way I came ; recovery room 1, theatre, waiting room, reception and outside! Husband and daughter to see me home while son is off to the chip shop for some food. So glad to be done though the waiting was the worst. The toast was the best! Xx 
