Thanks For Listening

  • Tender Hooks


    Last night I got told Grandma took a turn for the worse. Dad, my Aunt and Gaynor (one of Grandma's sisters) were called to her side. She was drugged up and sleeping. At home, my Mum broke the news and told me to expect the worse. We cried and cuddled together. After 5 hours, Dad came home. Grandma was still with us. She woke up and looked at them around her bed, joked I am not gone yet! They were happy she was ok.…

  • Don't Give Up


    Grandma had fluid drained from her Lungs on Thursday. It seemed to make her feel better. Me and my Dad did meet her doctor, a lovely kind woman. She told us in a few weeks Grandma can go home. Great news, it's what she and we want for her. She will need a Day Nurse and Night Nurse, so we can be sure she is well looked after. She needs wheelchairs, commode and her bungalow needs to be sorted for her arrival.


  • Grandma Knows...


    I forgot to add Grandma knows about her cancer. Dad had to tell her. Next week she is being moved to the best chest/lung clinic in Wales. She won't or can't talk about it yet, we understand that. We love and respect her too much to force her to talk about it yet

  • One Step At a Time....


    Today my brother came up from London. Dad told him the news in the car once he picked him up. You could tell by his eyes. He had an hour to take the news in. We went in to see Grandma who is on oxgyen today. She smiled and her eye lit up, that was lovely. Simon held her hand. He started to cry and asked me to go out the room with him. I was gone too. I had 2 days more to come to terms but he didnt have that time. He is…

  • Shocked


    My Grandma is 80, a life long smoker and has Lung cancer. She has been unwell for months, getting colds and unable to shake them off. She is an active lady. Now seeing her so small and frail.....

    After being told she had a chest infection, she was taken into hospital last Saturday. On Sunday night a doctor told her she had shadows on her lungs. She was given a CT Scan Tuesday and the news was given yesterday. My Dad…