
  • op thursday


    thanks cathie  and little my for your response I to have not suffered ill health so when this is thrown at you it is a massive shock to system.In the middle of the night i find myself lying there thinking all negative thoughts and start panicing,but i try to keep a brave face during the day for the family[i live with my partner Dave of 10 years ihave 2 boys 26 and 25 one is still living at home, it is hard for them to…

  • panic stations


    Hi all

    This is my 1st blog so bare with me! I went to see my surgeon on friday the tumour in my colon is bigger than first thought so bigger op required on thursday than planned. good news it doesnt look like it has spread though .   Anyone got any tips or advice on what to expect after the op. This feels like it is real now as before it felt like it was happening to someone else as the only sympton i have is tiredness…