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Hi all

This is my 1st blog so bare with me! I went to see my surgeon on friday the tumour in my colon is bigger than first thought so bigger op required on thursday than planned. good news it doesnt look like it has spread though .   Anyone got any tips or advice on what to expect after the op. This feels like it is real now as before it felt like it was happening to someone else as the only sympton i have is tiredness and that feels better due to the iron tabs

  • Hello Shar122,

    I have just returned home from my third and (hopefully) final op for bowel cancer.Firstly can I say that it is good that the cancer does not seem to have spread. Are you having laparoscopic or open surgery as the former is much easier to recover from. I had open surgery for the colon resection and also had a hysterectomy, ovaries removed and ileostomy formation during that first surgery. I was petrified when I knew what was ahead but somehow I just got on with it when the time came and found it easier than I had imagined.I think for me knowledge is the key and so I found out all that I could from trusted sources and also asked lots of questions of my care team. After the op you will feel tired, sore where the stitches are and may have to get used to coping with a colostomy or ileostomy should you need one. My advice would be give yourself time to recover - do as much as you are able to and don't push yourself too hard.Should you have specific questions that you would like answered I will be only too happy to try to answer them.I had never really been ill before this cancer diagnosis 2 years ago, so if I can get through all the treatment thrown at me over the past 2 years then anyone can!!!!

    Good luck for Thursday I am sure you will be fine,

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Hi shar, I had a temporary colostomy so can help you on that front if you need it,but otherwise they are dealing with mine (anal cancer) with no op... If you go to the bowel group and post in there, you will find lots of support and people with the same thing as you.There is also a colostomy/ileostomy group too.

    Welcome, though sorry you had to come here... we are a great family and will support you all the way so keep in touch and join the groups.

    I would go along with what Cathie said and take it easy... hard to do a lot afterwards to start with, but try and eat and get up and walking about a bit as soon as you can-  it does help the recovery but do be kind to yourself.

    best wishes and good luck for Thursday (let us know how you get on)

    Little My

  • FormerMember

    thanks for your replies i to have not had to have ops  before or suffered any real illnesses before so it is quite a shock when this is thrown at you out of the blue. It is weird though because in the middle of the night i lay there thinking what if  etc then other times you seem to get an inner strength where i think well you just have to get on with it so as the family can cope as well [i have been with my partner Dave for 10 years and have 2 sons one who still lives at home]Alot of people have said about the tiredness after the op  and not to do too much to soon. The surgeon was hoping to do it by lapaoscopy but the ct scan showed the tumour was bigger than first thought so he may have to do open surgery as he is removing about 40% of the large colon,appendix[that something i wont have to worry about getting now!!] and lymph nodes as precaution. Well i think im rambling now sorry going to get some jobs done in house today then wednesday i have pre op assessment and then it will be D DAY