Shaka For Life

  • Two Breasts. One Breast. None.

    They tried to make me go to radiotherapy. I said no! No! No! In the weeks following my bilateral breast surgery, I waited to find out the verdict. Had the surgery managed to remove all of the cancer? Was there any spread to my lymph nodes? Had it spr...
  • This is a public shout out to my private posse, my saving grace.

    My Big Sis, Judith, my protector and stand-in mum, from the day of my birth. My best friend. I entered this world six years after her, (she would say 5.5 yrs) it was love at first sight.  Now Judith is my cancer buddy. At my side throughout this...
  • My Decolletage is a Car Crash - Bilateral Breast Surgery

    Is this what bilateral breast surgery really looks like? I had wanted an immediate diep reconstruction. I chose diep, as I didn't like the idea of having foreign matter inserted, particularly as I'm highly allergic. My surgeon had strongly re...
  • Your Hair is Your Beauty?

    Present Day Written during EC round #2 - 2nd July 2024 2wks ago, after receiving my EC chemotherapy round #1. I cut my very long hair. This, in preparation for the dreaded chemo shedding. I have been nurturing my hair in African Locs since 2006, they...
  • Thank You

    I just wanted to say thank you to those who've stopped by to read my blog. I'm finding it really cathartic to write it down and it helps to know that others see my words. I'm writing in flashbacks and hope to catch up with present day soo...