Bye Bye EC. Hello Paclitaxel.

2 minute read time.

I had my fourth and final round of EC on 8th August. It was a 2mth bumpy ride.

After my second round of EC, I was struck down by severe and unrelenting headache of armageddon-like proportions. I did not think I could survive them. My second visit to A and E during the two weeks of the headaches duration. Got me a thorough examination and a brain scan. Then sent home after a 'peptalk' my interpretation of the subtext was:

"This is chemo love, it's harsh, weren't you aware? It's your best chance to avoid recurrence. So, put your big girl pants on and push through."

I am now two cycles into twelve of Paclitaxel. I've just about learned how to spell it correctly! I'm not sure how I feel. I had a break of nearly three weeks in-between the end of EC and the start of Paclitaxel. It wasn't until EC ended that I realised how stressed and scared I was throughout the four rounds. In that break, I felt free and almost at peace.

Since the nuclear powered debilitating headaches after round two of EC. The most difficult side-effect has been epic levels of fatigue.

This has recently been joined by blistered heels and urethra (pee) issues. I'm not sure if these are a hangover from EC, or caused by what's rumoured to be its more gentle cousin, Paclitaxel. I haven't bothered to mention the numerous other bodily changes, cause then I really would be embodying the complete and absolute whiner, which I suspect I've become. Suffice it say, I generally feel as if there's an alien living in my body, nothing feels the same.

And another thing, I found out by chance that I had been put on an accelerated EC programme. I had wondered why most people in the forums seem to have their EC rounds three weekly. Mine was fortnightly. Apparently those patients who are otherwise healthy are put on the accelerated path. I'm not sure if that's a choice made in individual health trusts or whatShrug tone5

I would have liked to know this but not sure I would have chosen the three weekly option, as that would have prolonged the chemo party!

My CNS reckons my body has tolerated chemo well. And keeps telling me how well I look. I'd hate to see those who've tolerated it badly!

So, two down and ten to go. I have penned the end date in my diary and also the end of treatment celebration date. Whoop whoop

My only question is, should this celebration be at the end of chemo or after my second mastectomy? HmmmmUpside downThinking

  • It sounds like you had a tough time of the EC Shaka....well done for getting through it!

    So have they agreed to do a second mastectomy then? Your recent blog indicated it might not happen.

  • Hi Candysmum

    Thanks for your comment. I hope you're doing well.

    Well, I don't want to speak too soon. But my last oncology appointment was with my CNS, as the clinic was overrun. 

    She was of the opinion that it had been agreed and had no idea what the oncologist was talking about! She also said it was not at all unusual for women in my situation to request a double mastectomy and it wouldn't be refused. 

    I will find out all at my appointment with the surgeon in a couple of weeks. I am trying to keep my relief under control, in case I'm told something different, my hospital is somewhat chaotic...

  • And thank you. EC was a nightmare...