Shaka For Life

  • Sanctuary - Eyes Forward continued

    It's one week since I finished radiotherapy. The 'nearly' final part to my bilateral breast cancer treatment. I will have a further elective mastectomy later this year.  In the meantime, I guess I am kind of entering the post treatment phase.&nb...
  • Six Million Dollar Man

    One of my favourite tv shows as a child in the 1970s was The Six Million Dollar Man - Steve Austin It just popped into my thoughts recently. For the youngsters... Steve Austin is a pilot who is seriously injured In a plane crash. The government spend...
  • Eyes Forward

    Yesterday, I completed 5 days of radiotherapy. This means that my (main) cancer treatment is now at an end. Almost a year to the day of my fateful mammogram. Timeline • Mammogram not sure of the date and I don't have the energy to fight thro...
  • There is Life After Chemotherapy?

    I completed 16 rounds (over 5 months) of chemotherapy on 12th November. Last Tuesday, 9 weeks later, I was in the shower, I had music playing and was singing along. I got a strange feeling, I had to pause and think about it. I then realised that the ...
  • Dear Shaka, it's ok...

    It really is ok: • To grieve the loss of life as you knew it.• To sorely miss your much loved African locs, which you nurtured for nearly two decades.• To miss your thriving private practice and financial independence. • To miss y...