Am I Insane?!?!

1 minute read time.

Update on my requested right side mastectomy.   (Please see earlier post: Two Breasts. One Breast. None.)

I first discussed this with my oncologist, who saw no issue with it and referred me to discuss with my original breast surgeon.

My breast surgeon also raised no objection or issue but did say she would need to refer me to their ethics panel.

At my next oncology review. For which I was very ill with side effects. The oncologist questioned why I wanted to have the mastectomy. Mentioning that the ethics committee felt that this would be 'over-treatment' as the cancer on the right side was very small.
I was asked whether my concern was about recurrence or radiotherapy.

I explained my concerns about invasive lobular breast cancer and how insidious it is and the fact that mine was only discovered because of my left side cancer and subsequent MRI. The right sight side cancer was not detected on mammogram or scan. Who knows how far it would have progressed, were it not for the MRI?

The oncologist expressed concern that I'd regret my decision! And suggested that I would need to be referred to a psychologist prior to the mastectomy being agreed.

So interesting that I am pitchforked headlong into a left side mastectomy with no psychological intervention and then left to cope alone. Yet when I make a logical and reasoned decision about how I want to proceed with my own healthcare, I am to be referred to a psychologist. Apparently I can't be thinking clearly. Is any breast at all better than no breast? This seems to be the underlying reasoning by the 'ethics committee'. Makes me wonder if this ethics committee is constituted of men in suits?

So, I am currently preparing for my next oncology appointment, where I will discuss this in more detail.

I'm determined that I will have my right side mastectomy. It's so frustrating though that after all I've been through and am still going through, I now have to jump through hoops and seemingly fight to get the treatment that I wantExpressionless

  • Ridiculous, isn’t it. I haven’t been in this situation (didn’t need a mastectomy thankfully), but I had been advised that if it came to it, argue backache, difficulty with clothes etc from being one sided. 

  • Before I reached this comment: "Makes me wonder if this ethics committee is constituted of men in suits?".  My thoughts were along the same lines.   Men determining what's best for women based on their perceptions, with little regard for patient wishes or empowerment.  Cry

  • THere was a young lady on here, Alex, she wrote the blog "It's gone Tit's up", she wanted the other side masectomy and had to wait a long time for it, for health reasons, rather than ethics rationale.  I recall the driver for her was evening up.   It's Gone Tits Up She sadly died in Aug 2022.  Cry

  • I do hope you get sorted, with your perfect option, I was in a similar position after having a mastectomy on the right side to find my cancer returning on left was offered a lumpectomy and radiotherapy I was quite worried at the time and did ask for a mastectomy 

  • Thank you for the support and tips Coddfish