
  • Journey Ends


    After a long hard fight my beautiful,wonderful,intelligent,caring,amazing aunt finally lost her battle against this cruel disease today. Can't believe I will never see her face again or hear her voice call my name. At peace. Please let her be at peace. The last weeks were so painful. I hope she is with my mum, safe and smiling. Love you forever and you will never ever be forgotten. Heaven has a new angel.

  • Feel Useless!!!


    I'm feeling completely and utterly useless!!! Not been able to visit my aunt as choked with cold and can't risk passing on any bugs to her when her immune system is so low. Spoke to my uncle earlier and just broke down in tears when I heard how much she seems to have deteriorated. I'm meant to be the one supporting him and feel like I'm letting him down so much!! The last thing he needs to cope with is my wailing down…

  • Aaaaaggghhhhh!!!


    Gawd what an awful few days!!!!

    Despite thinking I had come to terms with my aunts diagnosis I found I was fooling myself.

    Visited the hospice on Wednesday and despite keeping myself together while there I completely and utterly broke down as soon as I walked away. I think looking at some photos of when she was young and so so beautiful and carefree and seeing her now and what this awful disease has done to her hit…