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Gawd what an awful few days!!!!

Despite thinking I had come to terms with my aunts diagnosis I found I was fooling myself.

Visited the hospice on Wednesday and despite keeping myself together while there I completely and utterly broke down as soon as I walked away. I think looking at some photos of when she was young and so so beautiful and carefree and seeing her now and what this awful disease has done to her hit me hard. Also some pics of my lovely mum who passed away from the same disease over 30 years ago (I was 7) caused a few tears too.

Not coping very well and just feel this big dark cloud hanging over me all the time...then I feel guilty for feeling that way!!

Give yourself a shake!! That's what my aunt would say :-)

  • FormerMember

    Hey Seline

    So sorry to hear about your mum and aunt.

    I know how bloody awful it is as i lost my dad to throat cancer 6 years ago and i had that same black cloud hanging over me.

    And you most defiantly should not feel guilty, it's an awful thing to see someone you love go through, and your helpless to do any thing about it!! Seeing your Aunt go through it has probably dragged up some really sad memories of mum for you.

    Don't sit and stew on the not coping bit, seek help, you need to stay strong for you aunt. I spoke to my dads Macmillan nurse when i felt a couldn't cope any more and she put in contact with a really good Councillor. The best thing i ever did :o)  

    Stay strong and keep talking :0)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Seline,

    Your Aunt would be right,except you are only being yourself. theres nothing wrong in feeling guilty, we have all felt that way at sometime or other when a loved one is so ill.  So stop beating yourself up about it. Unfortunately

    theres nothing we can do about it. Give her a gentle Hug from me when you next visit. You look after yourself and try and be strong.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Seline, well, if I could I would wave a magic wand and take away your pain right now - life really is awful at times and sometimes awfulness comes in bucketloads - just like you are going through right now - I too sometimes wonder what's it all about and never will find the answer to our suffering but you have to be strong because once your aunty was so fine, so lovely, so happy, her life wasn't in vain - its just sh---y now.  I bet she's got some lovely memories and experiences.  You will have them too.  Be strong, cry when you need to and carry on because the sun always follows the darkest night.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Awww thank you all so much for your comments. I really just posted cos I needed a rant and really did not expect such lovely, comforting comments xx

  • FormerMember

    Awww thank you all so much!! I only posted cos I needed a rant and really did not expect such lovely, comforting comments xx