what a week

3 minute read time.

we'll where do i start ...i know monday . i had chemo ( cisplatin) which went well actually 6 hours not the expected 7 1/2 and the radio which was quick and easy . the i took the hour trip home with my boys scoffing fish and chips in the back seat ! my other half saying very kindly ' i tryed to keep your sam fritter warm' ..bless .i passed on the spam fritter but i don't think it mattered either way ,as soon as i touched down at home i was sick , very very sick until saturday when i thought i'd done really well not being sick all morning until i watched x factor and threw up when the twins come on ( seriously) .

on wednesday i went for my 3rd radiotherapy but didn't make it instead i got dropped off at a and e  after non stop vomiting , losing all strength in my arms and legs and difficulty breathing and of coarse dehydration. i must say my stay at the notoriously bad maidstone hospital was plain effing awful . i was crying so much that i wanted to get out of the smelly stinking hole that they told me to vacate the ward and sleep on a small 2 seater sofa in the day room ....nice .after being rehydrated and pumping full of any antisickness they could find ( didn't work)  i discharged myself .

went back on friday for radio again by then i couldn't even sit up in a chair , i had to be propped up with pillows in a wheelchair. the mac nurse saw me 1st and was appaulled by the fact that i was told to sleep on the sofa , she called one of the oncologists who shoock her head and said' we'll if i can't get you to stay in'  and kept on sighing . anyway the funny bit , only its not that funny really is it ..she asked the nurse to give me an antisickness jab so at least i would stop throwing up long enough to get an xray , the nurse was an inch away from giving it when she proclaimed that the drug was 4 months ot of date, but hey i should be gratefull she didn't give it to me , thats what she said.

my radio friday was cancelled . and i was sent home where i've been nursed very well and compassionatly by my boyfriend .the sweetheart had to keep a check on my bowel movements !anyway enough of that hospital  i went today and had a very short and sweet radiotherapy . but no chemo today it was cancelled . now this is where i need your words of wisdom.

i'm not sure if the reaction i had to chemo was an allergic reaction or normal chemo symptoms. i had chemo last year and was sick once , different chemo though. the mac nurse thought it was more likely an allergic reaction because i was sick straight away , but i'm not seeing my oncologist until wednesday to get her opinion . my partner seems to think i should do everything quite everything to beat this. i think enough is enough. i'm having radiotherapy so lets see what that does . am i weak ? is it giving up? i don't  want anybody turning around and saying i didn't do enough. i dunno if she asks me do i want to continue  what do i do , i never want to feel that bad again but i don't want to die . do i have to do what my mum would say and be a brave little soldier in this horrible battle , or is this soldier just battle weary .? thoughts on a postcard please xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh dear Sam thats awful - really really awful. I can tel you they have given me a new injection with  my chemo (Carboplatin) which lasts 7 days and it has worked well for me - it is called Aloxi - so maybe ask for that by name  - ie insist - then you get metclopromide to use ontop if you need it. I think Penny had Cisplatin and she did say she was very sick on it - but this new ijection might be the key.

    If it was me - I would contact your Mac nurse and ask her to make sure they are ready withstronger antisickness drugs so that you can feel confident to try again. Steroids also help reduce sickness so you obviously need to take them afterwards for at least 4 days (I would say) and then things might have settled down.

    See if you can organise this - stressing that if they cant promise you to get the sickness under control then you wont be prepared to have any more of that chemo - and see what they say. This is the time to fight for your rights - modern medicine has evolved and it should be possible to get the sickness under control.

    I dont know if that is a help or not sweetheart but I hope so. Love Jools xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sam, so sorry you were so sick, why

    are some of these nurses so heartless.

    Why dont you try the chemo 1 more time

    and if you have the same reaction then

    you will have to decide if you and your

    body can deal with it, like Jools said ask

    for stronger sickness medication.I really

    hope it goes better for you next time ,will

    be keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

    With Love Lucy Lee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sam,

    So, so, sorry you are having a tough time kiddo. Nobody should have to go through what is happening to you but we are/have all had to come to terms with our own degree of private hell on our cancer trek.

    Very, very wise words from Jools.  If there is any way to get the sickness under control, you have a way forward.  Whether the control comes from a change of anti-sickness meds or a change in the chemo routine or a combination of both, is something that needs to be sorted out and quickly.  There must be an option that works for you, its just a question of finding out what it is.

    When I had Cisplatin, (my chemo nurse called it 'The Hammer'), I had no sickness at all and it proved to be a life saver for me.  True, I didn't feel too good but at the time it was a lifeline for me and like you, I had things to live for.  I did try to stay as strong a possible, physically, during that time and tried to get lots of exercise.  I was told that the stronger I was, the better my body was able to cope with the chemo. Please don't give up on it, try and hang in there, it only needs sorting out for you.

    I wish I knew how to pass on some of my good fortune to you Sam, sounds like you could do with a huge dollop of it.

    Cheers,  Mike.

  • FormerMember

    Awwww Sam what an utterly kack week.  Look at your boyfriend and your kids and ask yourself if you could give up?  I am sure we would all feel like you after the week you've had and now the anxiety will build knowing its going to happen again.  

    Jools as usual has excellent advice. plus doesn't your oncologist have a secretary you could phone and pass a message on, mine has rung me at home before when I first experienced my brain swelling after RT (although I didn't know thats what it was at the time).

    Look at what you've already got through to get to just here!  I won't use that word brave cos it tends to pee me right off when someone says it to me but you have been bloody strong Sam, don't quit on us now (easy to say when its not us being so physically sick).

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    oh sammi ..... cant tell you how pleased i was to see your post .... i have been worried about you ! i know you were struggling last month and see how much you have gone through since then

    you definately are one very tough cookie!

    im so sorry to read what a difficult time you are havin and i wish i could give you some wonderful words of wisdom

    the one thing that springs to mind is what my dear dad always said "you do what you want!"

    i know you will do what is best for you

    loadsa love (((hugs))) cyber strength + anything and everything that makes you feel better
