Rosiebird's blog

  • Pleased and Puzzeled


    Had a letter from my Oncologist today, the news was very good my scan showed that there had been minimal change from the scan l had 12 months ago and some deposits were smaller. All great news, but l though that the previous scan had showed no sign of the cancer, so how could this one show less?

     My Ca 125 is rising so l am expecting to have more chemo but not for a while yet by the look of things. does not want to see…

  • Ovarian Cancer


    It nearly 12 months since my last treatment. I have just had my three month check. As expected my CA125 is still going up its 200 now normal is below 35.

    My Oncologist is sending me for a CT scan to see where the cancer is this time and how big its grown. When it gets to 4mm its the time for more chemo. I dont think l shall be having the treatment jut yet but may be later this year.

    Well ive been there and done it 4…

  • Oops not nearly normal after all.


    I went for my 3 month check today and saw my Oncologist not the Registrar. My CA 125 has now started to go up again. He said it was 150 l was puzzeled because he said it had not risen  by much. I said l thought it was 40 he said no its never been down to that. I would have swarn the Dr told me 40 may be 140? I dont know but lm not nearly normal after all. Are well never mind. No action as yet.

  • Oh I'm" Nearly Normal"


    Went to see my Oncologist today and was told  my CA125 Cancer Marker has come down. thats 6 months after chemo!!!! Amazing. I was expecting to be having a CTscan.

    For a Cancer Patient the CA125 needs to be below 35

    My CA125 is offically now 40 so hence my "Nearly Normal" 

    So l am as high as a kite,


  • Update on my Caelyx journey


    I just realised l had not finished with my updates so here goes.

    I when on and had 6 sessions of Caelyx and then another Ct scan and then my oncologist didn' twant to see me for three months.

    When l did see my Oncologist the news was not as good as hoped. My CA125 had gone down to 135 not under 35 as l had hoped. My Ct scan showed no changes.

    What it boils down to is l could (should) be having chemo but because…