Pleased and Puzzeled

Less than one minute read time.

Had a letter from my Oncologist today, the news was very good my scan showed that there had been minimal change from the scan l had 12 months ago and some deposits were smaller. All great news, but l though that the previous scan had showed no sign of the cancer, so how could this one show less?

 My Ca 125 is rising so l am expecting to have more chemo but not for a while yet by the look of things. does not want to see me till August


  • FormerMember

    hi hun well done although i lmow what ya mean everytime i get results they are always conflicting think sometimes these docs dont really know what the hell they are doing im so peed at mine right now hey ho life goes on though take care and good luck love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

               Do you always get your scan results by letter? I always see my oncologist for the results and this means I can ask questions there and then.

    The main thing is that your results sound pretty good and if they were worried about your CA125 they would want to see you before August.

                 You are doing really well and long may it continue.

                Take care,

                   Love and hugs,

                       lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you lizzie and Jennifer for reading my blog

    Lizzie l usually see my oncologist for results but he thought four months was a long time to wait so he said he would write to me.

    My results are good but thought it odd that the later scan showed more than the first one. I am feeling well so its all good realy.

    Hugs Rosie