First blog

Less than one minute read time.

Well I decided to blog.

My dad is 56 and been diagnosed with cancer, most likely lung cancer primary with mets on both adrenal glands and bone mets the ilium and sacrum.

He is suffering no symptoms other than pain from teh bone cancer and this pain is bad, he is on a mix of pain killers including morphine but they aren't really working.  We have an appointment on Friday which mum and dad have asked me to attend as well and this will tell us the results of the bone biopsy and therefore the type and stage of the cancer - although I have already sussed out he is a stage 4.  I hope it isn't an aggresive type but fear the worst.  I am hoping in hte appointment we can address the pain issue and get a new plan in place for that as well as a treatment plan.

Not sure why I am writing all this down but feels like I should..........more after Friday

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    My guess is you're writing it down to get it off your chest and try to process it. A cancer diagnosis is a scary scary thing. My dad had lung cancer with bone mets and possible mets in the adrenal system and they did manage to get his pain under control, even if it was a bit trial and error. If his pain meds aren't working, make sure he lets the medical team know and they'll either up the dose or try him on something else. All the best for Friday, I hope you get some positive news xxx