Prostate Cancer Recurrence - Triple Therapy

  • Side Effects Between Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

    I thought now the best time to summarise side effects during Cycle 1 - period 3rd July 2024 (Day 1) and 23rd Jly 2024 (Day 21). GENERAL: 1. GENERAL FEELING THROUGHOUT - Days 1 & 2 mainly OK, Days 3 to 8 things generally deteriorated. Some issues ...
  • Day 2 After First Chemo

    First things first. I obtained a print of my pre-chemo assessment blood test results. My referral PSA from January 24 was 2.07, having risen from 0.57 in January two years previously. I don't know what it was immediately before current treatment star...
  • Pre-Chemo

    2/7/24: Had chemo pre-assessment yesterday and all was OK, came away with supply of dexamethasone to start taking the morning of first treatment tomorrow (3/7/24). Based on previous experience I'll probably be unable to sleep much for a couple of...
  • The Tests, Diagnosis, Treatment Options & Decisions

    Between late January 2024 and late April 2024 I had one MRI scan and one PSMA PET scan. Consultant appointment on 9/5/24 when it was confirmed the PSMA PET showed cancer in iliac chain lymph nodes in the pelvis. This means the dreaded "not curable bu...
  • The Beginning

    I completed HT and radiotherapy for PCA in 2016 and went onto routine 6 monthly then 12 monthly PSA blood tests. PSA in January 2022 was 0.57 which increased at a steady rate to 2.07 by January 2024 - not meteoric by any means, but took me over 2.0 f...