4th Chemo

1 minute read time.

I am writing this update with my thoughts of and apologies to Grantyo12 (who is just in front of me on this treatment) due to his unfortunate PSA increases whilst on chemo, and send my best wishes to him for negative scans and continuation of his treatment plan towards a successful result. 

My 4rd chemo visit on 4th September 2024:

First, more good news - PSA has now dropped from:

2.07 at referral for investigation of recurrence

1.22 (1/7/24)

0.54 (22/7/24)

0.19 (14/8/24)

0.08 (04/09/24). 

I feel very lucky and grateful to see these splendid improvements continue for now.

No ECG required before treatment due to previous ones being good. Might need one next time if Consultant decides he wants to see one.

Cannula inserted at 2nd attempt again, first attempt by nurse unsuccessful (felt like a 6 inch nail was going in but I think I put on a brave face and didn't show myself up) - then yet another of the resident "experts" was  called and sucessfully inserted on first attempt. Infusion completed with no issues.

Same package of drugs to take home as before including mouthwashes to head off mouth problems if they start as on first three cycles. I have started using these straight away to try to head off problems earlier after I waited a few  days last time and it still got hold and was difficult to clear quickly. 

Felt slightly groggy morning after, but hopefully this cycle will not produce any additional problems, we'll see in due course.

  • Thanks so much excavator, hope things keep  improving . It’s so helpful for me to here your journey 

  • Good to hear that the numbers are going in the right direction. I find I get a sore mouth and ulcers towards the end of each chemo cycle, and I use the mouthwash throughout, which, I think,  helps.  I have lovely prominent veins and have had only one failed canula attempt (an experienced nurse who just didn't often do canulas!). For my current chemo, I have a PICC line, which is really quite neat, although it does require weekly maintenance.