How it all began

1 minute read time.

I had been feeling somewhat "fuzzy" in the head and was worried about my blood pressure - back in July 2022.

I reluctantly made contact with my GP having avoided the doctor for so long.  Basically I am a fit and healthy 66 year old
with a regular exercise habit including weights in the gym and Parkruns.  The upshot was that my blood pressure was perfect ( after a 24 hour monitor)
but I did have "white coat hypertension" BUT I was also diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus with a HbA1c of 93 - the cause of my fuzzy heads.

Apart from the "fuzzy head" I had no symptoms of diabetes nor indeed any prostatic symptoms.  No running to the toilet all the time, no getting up at night etc -
and a reasonable stream.

Metformin got my HbA1c down to 60 in stages but on one of my review appointments in August 2022 my GP suggested a PSA as a routine. 
Initially I resisted but he said it was important so I acquiesced.  The next day I got a phone call from him saying my PSA was 17.5 and to come in for a DRE.

My first ever DRE was sore but over quickly.  He thought he could feel something.  I was about to go on holiday to France so he suggested a private Urological consultation
which I was able to arrange the next day.  The consultant was very reassuring and said I would not come to any harm by waiting a month and repeating the PSA. 
Which allowed me to (sort of) enjoy the holiday.

I had the PSA repeated in September and it was still 17.5.  The consultant kindly had given me his email address and asked me to let him know when I had the PSA repeated.  So with 
the confirmatory PSA still being high, He referred for a "red flag" MRI. And so the journey began.....

  • Hi Kieran, Where are you up to now? I am too weeks on from having RALP and just beginning to feel normal again.

    Take care, Wallyyyy

  • Welcome aboard Kieran. I am also 66 yrs old. I have just done the MRI/bone scan routine.  There is a somewhat new scan: the PSMA which is very specific to determining if the cancer is localized (in the prostate) or is starting to spread (lymph nodes). I very much hope for a test result for you that reflects a local issue.  The choices offer better chances at stifling the progress.  Much of this is not in your control but I do feel that your exercise is VERY positive and one that I'm sure you will continue.  

  • Hi Wallyyy I am still trying to decide between the combination of Radiotherapy and Androgen Deprivation vs Robotic surgery ( in Belgium) Just got my bone scan results today (unofficially) and this seems to be clear.  CT shows no metastases.  The tumour however is locally advanced just outside the capsule but my surgeon friend in Belgium does not think this should present a problem.  I have a meeting with the oncologist on the 9th Feb and will decide then.

  • How are you getting on Wallyyy?  How long did you have the catheter in?  Great you are beginning to feel normal again.  My main concerns are about continence and ED post surgery.