Prostate Cancer Journey

  • Prostate Biopsies

    The wait for the biopsy appointment  was difficult. It eventually came through for the 29th November 2022. I was nervous but not overly so - (or so I thought) - My wife drove me there, and was there for moral support.  When the nurse took m...
  • MRI scan

    My Consultant Urologist referred me for a red flag MRI scan on the 13th September 2022 and this was carried out at another hospital (to save time) on the 11th October 2022. As many will know the MRI scan is pretty straight forward.  A canula was...
  • How it all began

    I had been feeling somewhat "fuzzy" in the head and was worried about my blood pressure - back in July 2022. I reluctantly made contact with my GP having avoided the doctor for so long.  Basically I am a fit and healthy 66 year oldwith a regular...