How it all began

1 minute read time.

I had been feeling somewhat "fuzzy" in the head and was worried about my blood pressure - back in July 2022.

I reluctantly made contact with my GP having avoided the doctor for so long.  Basically I am a fit and healthy 66 year old
with a regular exercise habit including weights in the gym and Parkruns.  The upshot was that my blood pressure was perfect ( after a 24 hour monitor)
but I did have "white coat hypertension" BUT I was also diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus with a HbA1c of 93 - the cause of my fuzzy heads.

Apart from the "fuzzy head" I had no symptoms of diabetes nor indeed any prostatic symptoms.  No running to the toilet all the time, no getting up at night etc -
and a reasonable stream.

Metformin got my HbA1c down to 60 in stages but on one of my review appointments in August 2022 my GP suggested a PSA as a routine. 
Initially I resisted but he said it was important so I acquiesced.  The next day I got a phone call from him saying my PSA was 17.5 and to come in for a DRE.

My first ever DRE was sore but over quickly.  He thought he could feel something.  I was about to go on holiday to France so he suggested a private Urological consultation
which I was able to arrange the next day.  The consultant was very reassuring and said I would not come to any harm by waiting a month and repeating the PSA. 
Which allowed me to (sort of) enjoy the holiday.

I had the PSA repeated in September and it was still 17.5.  The consultant kindly had given me his email address and asked me to let him know when I had the PSA repeated.  So with 
the confirmatory PSA still being high, He referred for a "red flag" MRI. And so the journey began.....
