MRI scan

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My Consultant Urologist referred me for a red flag MRI scan on the 13th September 2022 and this was carried out at another hospital (to save time) on the 11th October 2022.

As many will know the MRI scan is pretty straight forward.  A canula was put in my arm and a special dye run in towards the end of the scan which took, I guess about 40 minutes.  The noise of the scanner is quite something but I was just about able to hear a comedy on Radio 4 through the headphones!  There was no pain and no discomfort from the dye.  I had also been given an injection of Buscopan to stop my bowel moving during the procedure.  This gave me no ill effects apart from perhaps a little blurred vision for a few minutes afterwards

Eventually, about 2 weeks later I got the results - T3a N0 Mx and the consultant phoned me up a few days later saying that we would need to proceed with Trans-perineal biopsies.
