Stressed & feeling selfish

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Last week my 82yr old aunt was told her ovarian cancer from 3 yrs ago had returned & was now in her liver & lung. She is in hospital & has been given weeks to live. After her original surgery (which they botched) she was so disheartened she stopped treatment half way through her chemo & discharged herself from further checkups so it's no surprise it's returned.

I thought I could deal with this but unfortunately everything seems to be becoming a big deal. Along with taking my 86yr old mother-in-law to her geriatric psychiatric appointments, ferrying relatives around to the various hospitals & getting a parking ticket at the hospital, last week was rounded off with a BANG - literally - when there was a gas explosion at the only entrance to our estate. The resulting 40ft flames, which took almost a day to extinguish, cut off access to 100+ houses & also our phones & internet access for the whole weekend.  

By Sunday my stress levels blew & I woke up fighting to breathe. Since then I've been crying at the slightest thing, my breathing appears shallow & I keep getting a tightening in my chest. When it came to visiting my auntie on Monday I just couldn't do it because watching her die before my eyes in the same hospital I was in exactly a year ago just makes me face up to my own mortality - the image that I've managed to shut off for a year has now been roughly pushed in front of my eyes. I feel so selfish & I know that she, my 86yr old uncle & my parents need me there but I just can't do it at the moment. They've all been so understanding & they urge me to stay away until I'm happy I can deal with it but as each day goes by I feel worse rather than better.

How can I stop the vicious spiral I find myself in?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Angie

    You was one of the first people on this site to become my friend and offered me some lovely words of inspiration, now I hope I can do the same for you.

    Everyone deals with this bloody cancer thing differently, you have ploughed all your time and energy into helping others, now it's time to be a little selfish. Sounds as though you have had some kind of delayed reaction. Please just give yourself this time, defo sounds like panic attacks, I don't think I would like to go back to the hospital where I was, but you are made of strong stuff kidda, as they say it only happens to the ones that can cope (whoever said that wants shooting). As Marsha said if you feel you can't deal with going back there on your own, take someone with you, and remember we are all there with you as well XXXXX Take good care of yourself we need you xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou guys for your lovely words, advice & support.

    I'm going to the docs on Monday (first appointment I could get!) and meanwhile I am trying to take time out to de-stress. I will let you know how I get on,

    Love to you all, Angie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hope it all goes well hon! thinking of you xx