My dad is my hero

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We took my dad into hospital for a biopsy 2 weeks ago as he had a lump under his arm, the following week he had a ct scan and xmas eve we got the news. The news couldn't be much worse. My dad has lung cancer and it has already spread. He has been told (i cant believe im writing this) without treatment he only has a matter of weeks and with treatment he may have up to 12 months IF it works. I dont know what to say/do, i am falling apart inside but outside trying to be strong for dad,mum and my bro and sis and also my own 3 adorable babies. i feel like im suffocating.The worst thing is 49 year old dad doesn't feel ill he doesn't look ill, he is just a bit tired as we all are none of us are sleeping properly. Everyone keeps saying be strong, stay positive but how? i am really trying but god inside im dying. I really don't know what to do. was told on xmas eve my dad is going to die,  Please help me before i break.xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Have just had a chat with mom and dad about the feelings i am having and told them about this site and how i feel it is helping me. Dad wants to go to chemo on his this a good idea? should we let him have his way or put our foot down and insist that one of us is there with him? Will he need our support whist actually having the treatment?

  • FormerMember

    i hate the way i am dealing with this i just can't stop crying

  • FormerMember

    Dads appt was cancelled at hospital today due to the snow! arghhh.

  • FormerMember

    Sorry the appointment has been cancelled.  Hopefully it might not mean that the first chemo has to be cancelled - they might be able to squeeze this appointment in again before then.

    My mum went with my dad first thing for every chemo treatment then he insisted she left.  As he was there all day I used to pop in and sit with him for an hour each time until the 4th time when he told my mum to ring me to say not to come.  I was so so upset but knew I had to respect his wishes.  I think it was because my dad could get on with life and pretend it wasn't happening apart from on the day, every 3 weeks, when it thumped him right in the face and he just wanted to keep his head and get on with the day and then generally he was in good spirits again by time I'd see him the next day.

    The only thing I would say is during the first treatment my dad was given lots of information to take in about what symptoms to expect, what pills to take to counteract which side effects etc.  This bit happened to co-incide with when my sister and I popped into see him and I think he was really pleased as we listened to it all and he didn't have to take it in.  Having said that if we weren't there he is more than capable of taking it in as just automatically switched off when either me, my mum or my sister are around as we spoil him!!

    Hope you get another appointment soon and the weather clears up xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks chick, your dad sounds just like mine- very independent and takes his role as our protector seriously but still loves cuddles.  Apparently the appt was for the bloods ahead of the chemo that he can go in for in the next couple of days but there was also a meeting with his doctor which was my opportunity to ask my questions but dad said he told them we don't need to re book that one as he has all the info he needs. arghhhh! Oh well.

    I still havent heard any thing about a macmillan nurse should he have one by now?  xxxxxxxxxxxxx