My dad is my hero

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We took my dad into hospital for a biopsy 2 weeks ago as he had a lump under his arm, the following week he had a ct scan and xmas eve we got the news. The news couldn't be much worse. My dad has lung cancer and it has already spread. He has been told (i cant believe im writing this) without treatment he only has a matter of weeks and with treatment he may have up to 12 months IF it works. I dont know what to say/do, i am falling apart inside but outside trying to be strong for dad,mum and my bro and sis and also my own 3 adorable babies. i feel like im suffocating.The worst thing is 49 year old dad doesn't feel ill he doesn't look ill, he is just a bit tired as we all are none of us are sleeping properly. Everyone keeps saying be strong, stay positive but how? i am really trying but god inside im dying. I really don't know what to do. was told on xmas eve my dad is going to die,  Please help me before i break.xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    My dad was insistent he didn't want a Macmillian nurse at first as I think he thought they signalled 'the end'.  He went through a very bad stage of not eatng though and we were so worried that my mum called them.

    From the time of the call it took about 2 weeks to be assigned a nurse so I would call them if I were you to check you are in the system - even then it might take a little while for one to see you but will depend on your area.

    Once the first meeting was over my dad was fine about it.  He realised that they are there for practical help and not to talk about medical things.  The district nurse popped in a while ago just to introduce himself and that seemed to freak him out a bit (again, I am guessing as he would never say aarrgghhh!!!) as he talked about some things that might get harder and it upset me to hear it let alone him.

    They are noramlly attached to you local hospital but if you can't get hold of them then give you dad's gp a call to get a contact name/number  xx

  • FormerMember

    ok i guess we'll just have to see what happens at the chemo session on thursday. I am dreading it.. Thanks for your advice. xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    absolutely dreading tomorrow. xxx