Not impressed!

4 minute read time.
I have not been able to access the internet since Mon afternoon and have been to Essex for father-in-law's funeral and just got back, hence why I have not posted for a while. Well, after 5 weeks of waiting to see the Plastic Surgeon who is going to do my Sentinal Lymph Node Biopsy/skin graft the day came finally on Monday. My wonderful friend came and stayed the night before so we could set off early for my appt in Exeter. She lives near Cheddar which is quite a way for her to come. We got there in plenty of time but he was running over 30 mins late. I work in hospitals so know how these things go, so it was no big deal. When we were finally called this young man (late 30's early 40's) came breezing in with my notes. He told me what he was going to do (which I already knew) so I asked him why had I needed an out-patient's appt when I had been told by my hospital that I was being booked in for 'urgent' surgery? He said it was minimal what I had and there was no urgency as such. I told him that I had been told by my previous Consultant that what I had was aggressive and that it was urgent that I had it removed. This Consultant was making me feel like I was making a fuss about nothing! I also asked him why had I been left for 5 weeks with no contact from the hospital from the Melanoma Nurse (she was also in the room)? I said that I was quite a strong person and had access to the internet and was able to research things for myself but not everyone was in my position. Was it fair to leave people for that length of time after being told they had an aggressive cancer? I also told them that I had spoken to a MacMillan nurse who also was concerned at how long I had been left. I then found out that unfortunately I had "slipped through the net" as the MM nurse at my hospital had had a bereavement and the MM nurses at this hospital had not picked up that I was being referred to them. He then asked me about my general health (which is good thankfully) and then asked me if I had put on/lost weight. I told him how much I weighed and his eyebrows shot up. I then said that i had actually lost over 2 stone over the past 2 years without dieting but eating healthier and he said in a sarcastic voice " you were HEAVIER?? At least it is just around your stomach." I was furious and told him that I was menopausal and that is where menopausal women store their eostrogen ( we run menopause workshops lol!), plus I had not been able to be too active because of being careful of the the scar on my ankle. I could see my friend getting quite angry at his attitude. I then asked him how long would I be in? He said "just a day" but again I pointed out that I had been told by the previous Consultant 2/3 days. Why was his info differing so much from other Consultants? He just got ruder in his attitude and then told me that he may not be doing the Op after all, it could be his Registrar!!! So why all the fuss about meeting HIM if he's not going to do it????? I was glad when he left the room. The MM Nurse took us to another room and locked the door so that we would not be interrupted. I told her that I was not at all happy with this Consultant and said how decently I had been treated at my own hospital. She asked me was it about the weight issue? She apologised and said that he also does breast implants etc and he has to know the weight of those pt's because of GA's but with their Cancer patient's it's not an issue because they HAVE to have surgery!! She was also surprised that he had brought it up. She also apologised again about the delay in contacting me as it was human error which allowed me to be overlooked. She then went through all my questions etc until I (and my friend lol) were happy and then it was time to go. My friend is a trained volunteer with Somerset Cancer Care and she was fuming when we came out about this Consultant's attitude. She even phoned her Co-Ordinator and told her what had happened and she was also horrified! So, I have been told that my surgery is now "imminent" and will be on either a Mon or a Weds. I have to go in the day before for the Pre-Op assessment. Oh, and he told me the donor skin will be taken from my other leg so I will be sore and in a splint with my right foot, sore groin area on the right and now a sore place on the left AND needing crutches! Can't wait lol. Now waiting for appt. pheonix xxx
  • FormerMember

    I'm disgusted - but sadly not surprised.  There seems to be a sprinkling of these offensive consultants around who feel they have the right to make personal remarks which are not relevant to the situation.  I am also not suprised about the mix-up with you not being referred (as I was misdiagnosed by two stages and the consultant failed to apologise - and left it a month after he'd found out).  Why is there so much of this?

    It's not only disgusting though but dangerous.  How can they leave you all this time?  I am so glad that the op will now be proceeded with forthwith, and I am sending you lots of love and ((((((((hugs)))))))) and best wishes for next week.  xxxx Penny  PS Be thankful that it won't be that man doing the op, I think.

  • FormerMember

    I agree that this consultant was offensive.  He has been fed too much adulation by his implant patients.  There does seem to be a lot of "human error " in these arrangements, and I am not surprised your friend was outraged.  I can imagine how rude the man might have been if you hadn't had someone with you!  

    I think you should go to the PALS office to make a complaint.  At least they might be able to intercede to use your right leg for the donor skin graft,, but would it be worse to be suffering in 3 places on one leg, or 2 on one leg, and one on the other?

    Obviously they have to have your weight for General Anaesthetic, but it was aggressively rude to pass comment.  At least my surgeon had good reason to pass comment as it was functional to my next bit of surgery, and recovery from same.  I am losing gradually by eating sensibly like you, so it gives a good chance of things going well after the consultants do their magic.  

    You may be better off with his registrar after all.  If the consultant is up himself, at least the registrar might be concentrating on the work in hand!

    Good luck



  • FormerMember

    Hi Phoenix - I was so sorry to read of your dreadful experience with;" the consultant from hell"! I've met people like him myself and often wonder why on earth they choose to go into the "caring profession", when their biggest talents appear to be, being rude and offensive. Truly unforgiveable behaviour on his part. We must be very strong wee individuals us humans, when you think of how people can be so rude and offensive to us, without us resorting to violence, lol, well, in most cases. I do hope you've recovered from the nasty experience. I also hope you don't have to wait too long for your appointment, and that you make a speedy recovery from the surgery.  with lotsa love        kate xxxxxxx