pheonixx2's blog

  • Continuing with positive theme to blogs today!

    Hi everyone, it may be Friday 13th but I've just had a call from the hospital and my biopsy has come back clear!! At last I can now look at some sort of 'normality' instead of living in limbo as I'm sure a lot of people here would know about! I also had a call from the Lymphoedema Clinic to say my 'stockings' have now arrived and I have an appointment next Friday for them to show me how to put them on etc, that's going…
  • punch biopsy

    Well, I'm back now from the hospital after having a 'punch biopsy'. Another 'suspect' mole has been found on my OTHER leg, near the donor site for the skin graft. I now have a 6mm hole in my thigh held together with two stitches. Now the wait for the results (could be 2 weeks although marked urgent!). If it IS melanoma then once again a wide local excision but I have made it clear that I will NOT go back to the other…
  • Apologies in advance!

    Good morning, here is another selection to start your day (although some will probably make you groan lol!) 1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent. 2. A set of jump leads walk into a bar. The bartender says, 'I'll serve you, but don't start anything.' 3. Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted. 4. A dyslexic man walks…
  • live discussion this afternoon

    Just wanted to say that I will not be able to join in this afternoon's discussion on the new guidelines re Comp Therapies as I will be at the hospital. Instead I have posted on the admin blog that informed us of this discussion. I will not be engaging in any slanging matches but just wanted to put a balanced view forward . I hope the discussion is of interest! Take care pheonix xxx
  • Follow up appt

    This afternoon I have my follow-up appt at the hospital with the Plastic Surgeon re my wide local excision and skin graft. I really do not want to see this man as he was SO rude at my first appt with him and as it was his registrar who actually DID the operation I see no point in seeing this man! I'm very happy to report though that the graft has taken well and looking very healthy and almost healed. I saw my Practice…