Pembro & Lenvatinib Journey for Serous Cancer

  • Hope over the Holidays

    Well, I was feeling pretty awful as Cycle 2 began, but a little more positive when the Levatinib was halved - and having a week off felt good. It gave my mouth time to heal up and the aches in my muscles improved after a few days.  So, I was pos...
  • Starting 2nd Cycle and Wanting to Give Up!

    Well, sorry for the delay in blogging- it’s not been the best of times. I think my expectations of how these drugs behave needed better management. Honestly I think I’ve had just about every side effect listed for Levitinib. First, t...
  • Days 6 to 15

    Well, haven’t posted for a while as there’s been little to say really. Not much happening at all. I felt fine all through the first week, with only minimal effects. We went on holiday to Northumberland a week after Treatment began and I w...
  • Day 3 and 4

    So the first day (Day 2 ) after treatment went ok. I was really tired after planting up barrels for the village winter flower displays and had to have a sleep after giving the dogs a quick walk, but generally felt ok. Bowels working fine etc. Day 3 -...
  • Treatment Begins! Day 1 and 2

    Diagnosed with Serous Endometrial Cancer (womb cancer)5 years ago (Stage 1B, Grade 3), I quickly realised I was dealing with an aggessive little blighter. Hysterectomy plus on 7/12/18, no adjuvant therapy given - recurred 4 years later - October 2022...