Paul's fight

  • Gutted


    Today came the news I have been dreading.  I think I knew it was imminent, but never expected to hear the words.  My darling man of 3 years has a matter of weeks to live.  I cannot begin to describe how I feel.  ANGRY..... at him for leaving me, at cancer for stealing him from me, at myself for not being able to do more to keep him.  I would rather he leave me for another woman, at least there is a chance I could win him back…

  • This weekend


    This weekend was amazing, yet emotional. Since we don't live together, our time has always been precious, but never as much as now. It was a rollercoaster of a weekend and what should have been special was marred by an ex that didn't understand the meaning of the word ex!!!! All sorted now but pressure we did not need. We have argued for the first time ever which hurt like crazy, however, the plus side of that is that…

  • Paul's fight


    By the Sunday, he was still in incredible pain and the painkillers they were giving him were not even touching it. An emergency pain doctor (I think that's what he was called) was brought in to see him and asked him what the result of the CT scan was. As it had only been done on the Friday, we had not been told. The doctor went away, came back 5 minutes later with a nurse and shut the door. I was still unaware, even with…