Paul's fight

1 minute read time.

By the Sunday, he was still in incredible pain and the painkillers they were giving him were not even touching it. An emergency pain doctor (I think that's what he was called) was brought in to see him and asked him what the result of the CT scan was. As it had only been done on the Friday, we had not been told. The doctor went away, came back 5 minutes later with a nurse and shut the door. I was still unaware, even with that, that there was something wrong. What he then told us has changed our lives forever. He suspected, my partner had lung cancer and that it had possibly spread to other areas. The next day it was confirmed that he did indeed have lung cancer and secondary cancers in the adrenal glands, liver and bones. It is inoperable and as yet no prognosis, yet he has vowed to double any time the doctors tell him. Right now, as I right I can't help the water flowing from my eyes. We have only had 3 years and had promised each other the next 40 years. Our dreams and plans for a busy happy future were all in place.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sidan

    Life is so cruel for some of us and I feel very sorry for the situation you have been put in.  My world has also been turned upside down this year.  My lovely dad died unexpectedly in Jan this year and then in April my mum got pneumonia amongst other things and was also then diagnosed with lung cancer.   She has also now last month, been diagnosed with throat cancer and we have been told she has about 6 mths.  To say I am devastated is the understatement of the year.  I hope your partner can defy the Dr's and live for much much longer and that they can at least treat him. Has he had a biopsys or PET scan or anything as yet?  Take care, hope you can get some help Tusk xx


  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your comment, which, I apologise, I have only just seen. 

    He has had biopsies,  a CT scan and MRI scans.  We haven't really been told too much other than what I have been putting on here.  

    I desperately hope your mother also puts up a fight and defies the odds.

    Take care of yourself also, it is important

    Best wishes

    Sidan xx