Pat's Carcinoid Blog

  • All systems go


    The hospital rang the day after clinic to say that the consultant would ideally like to start the injections asap but that my husband could choose whether to wait till after Christmas. We discussed this together and he wanted to start straight away. Quite honestly he has been so poorly it is probably for the best. We will be having a nice family day this Sunday when our grandson is coming up from London with his mum and…

  • Oncology at last


    Well, we finally made it to see the Oncologist yesterday. It was a very positive experience albeit nealry nine weeks since diagnosis. The recent scans confirmed a Carcinoid Tumour with one small secondary in the liver. Blood and urine tests showed that the tumour, which is grade I, is only releasing a small amount of hormones, which is good. The even better news is that Pat will initially be treated with injection therapy…

  • Progress so far


    The scans are now done. Tuesday was a long day with an injection in the am.  It took 7 attempts to get a line in as Pat has narrow veins. They finally managed it with a Paediatric Butterfly, which has a fine needle. We then had to go away and come back four hours later. They then had a camera problem unfortunately and were running an hour late.  By this time Pat, who has Parkinsons plus other things was getting exhausted…

  • Things are moving at last.



    My husband Pat is 66 and has Parkinson's Disease, Type 11 Diabetes, Congestive Cardiac  failure and has had one heart attack and also has benign Asbestosis in his lungs and a large Hiatus Hernia. 

    For the past year he has had regular vomiting and other odd symptoms. It was difficult to know the cause as symptoms overlapped due to his complex situation. This culminated in several hospital admissions and…