Oncology at last

1 minute read time.

Well, we finally made it to see the Oncologist yesterday. It was a very positive experience albeit nealry nine weeks since diagnosis. The recent scans confirmed a Carcinoid Tumour with one small secondary in the liver. Blood and urine tests showed that the tumour, which is grade I, is only releasing a small amount of hormones, which is good. The even better news is that Pat will initially be treated with injection therapy and the consultant did not feel Chemo was needed. The question of surgery will be considered as a possibilty by the team, but it is not on the front boiler at the moment. They have to take all his other  conditions in to account. His heart will be monitored as these tumours can cause damage to the right ventricle. An Echogram he had in April was ok so we are hopeful about that. The injection therapy will begin on 9th January under the direct supervision of the consultant initially. The injections will be monthly on a permanent basis. She told us the survival rate is very good as the drugs not only stop the tumour from secreting but prevent further growth.

At this point I will post this link for anyone wanting to know more about this rare tumour.



Sorry not to put a live link but my browser won't allow but this can be cut and pasted into the address bar on the Macmillan site. It is an excellent page of information. 

I know things will not be easy as the injections so have side effects but if they can improve his quality of life we will be happy.

I will post in January when the treatment begins.
