Getting nearer to end of treatment and what then?

1 minute read time.

There are only 3 days left of Radio Therapy. We will go to see the Oncologist in January, but what will happen after that? The chemotherapy he had first did not shrink the tumour, and then he was in Hospital after the 3rd. He has 10 of his 13 days of Radio Therapy. He will not be having an operation, yet my husband keeps mentioning the word remission... To be in remission you have to   be free of Cancer ddont you? and I dont think that will happen. The forms he signs are always .... To control....

I keep saying whatever happens we will do what we want to do,  the main thing is to start living again. Life after treatment etc etc. life has been on hold for the last 6 months. But just at this moment I am finding it hard to be as positive. He does not hear the words the Consultant says, he said the other day, we are only just hearing how large this tumour is!

He might be, I heard it the first time it was spoken.

Perhaps he hears everything, but tries to find out what I heard, or just trying to ignore what he heard. In the same position, I don't think I would be coping as well as he is, taking everything in his stride.

Now I must stop worrying about the next few weeks, and begin the Life After Treatment bit. Thank goodness that Christmas is in the middle.

Wether anybody reads this or not, I do feel better for writing it.

More Positive......

With much Respect to anyone out here...................

Hugs xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Respect to you respect  :) I hope you can both have a lovely christmas.Pleased to hear you are more positive.HUGS xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    HI  Janique and Nic

    Thank you for your replies and hugs.

    My problem is trying to look too far ahead, and worrying about it. I have to remind myself to take each day as it comes.

    I hope you both are able to enjoy your Christmas, either making new memories, or sharing happy memories of Christmas past. Either way, may it be a Peaceful one.






  • FormerMember

    Hi Respect

    I know just what you mean about hearing things the first time they were said.  My darling brother seems to have forgotten the various diagnoses he received in August which went from 7-12 months, 4-7 months and then 3-4 months but they could not be sure although it was certain that his condition was terminal.  I remember all of these acutely but it just seems that he has faced up to this as recently as the scan on 10th November. 

    All I can recommend is that you do not look too far ahead and enjoy now because as Crabby Lady says - you could get hit on the head with a toilet tomorrow!!!!!

    I expect we will all be in touch with each other but just in case we are not I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas together and that you make lots and lots of lovely memories to add to those you already have.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Nin

    Funnily enough I replied to your Blog at the same time you replied to mine!!!

    Thank you, yes we are planning a good old fashioned family Christmas.

     I was just having a bit of a wobble Friday. Back on track almost as soon as I fell off it! Somehow writing it down is the medicine and then when you get lovely people who know what its all about replying to you, you are definately on the mend.Thank you lovely people.

    I see you have changed your status to having another snooze, thats the way girl!!

    Hugs xxxx



  • FormerMember

    Hi Respect,

    Hey we guys develope selective at times memories, it does help some times honest.  Hope you have the best Christmas ever and remember, no one knows the real answer, the consultants only ever offer best guesses so nothing set in stone. Please wait for the RT  results. Every case is different and every patient can react differently to every treatment.

    Was told mine was locally advanced Prostate cancer, no point removing the prostate as it had spread to the lymph system. Both Chemo and RTwould be ineffective. Only treatment available was Hormone implants or injections. This was 3 1/2 years ago. Last january this started to fail and activity and spread increased. Suddenly offered RT - 16 Sessions at Christies, This reversed the trend, still on the hormones but just proves there is always hope and chenges to perceived possible treatments. Not trying to offer false hope, just agreeing you have to have a positive outlook and live every day to the max, build Memory days together.

    Think your Huby is in good hands and your love shines out - none of us are guaranteed  a tomorrow, just some of us get a warning and a reminder what life is about - living  and loving - Enjoy Your Christmas

    Hugs to you both xx

    John xx