Getting nearer to end of treatment and what then?

1 minute read time.

There are only 3 days left of Radio Therapy. We will go to see the Oncologist in January, but what will happen after that? The chemotherapy he had first did not shrink the tumour, and then he was in Hospital after the 3rd. He has 10 of his 13 days of Radio Therapy. He will not be having an operation, yet my husband keeps mentioning the word remission... To be in remission you have to   be free of Cancer ddont you? and I dont think that will happen. The forms he signs are always .... To control....

I keep saying whatever happens we will do what we want to do,  the main thing is to start living again. Life after treatment etc etc. life has been on hold for the last 6 months. But just at this moment I am finding it hard to be as positive. He does not hear the words the Consultant says, he said the other day, we are only just hearing how large this tumour is!

He might be, I heard it the first time it was spoken.

Perhaps he hears everything, but tries to find out what I heard, or just trying to ignore what he heard. In the same position, I don't think I would be coping as well as he is, taking everything in his stride.

Now I must stop worrying about the next few weeks, and begin the Life After Treatment bit. Thank goodness that Christmas is in the middle.

Wether anybody reads this or not, I do feel better for writing it.

More Positive......

With much Respect to anyone out here...................

Hugs xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John

    Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I try to think too far ahead!

    I hope you too enjoy Christmas.

    Take care





  • FormerMember

    Hi Respect,

    Glad you're feeling more positive.

    have a great Christmas,

    Colin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Colin

    Yes, much more positive thank you. I had a bit of a wobble! It must have been the scotch!

    I hope your test results are good, and that you enjoy Christmas too.



  • Hi Respect - if I did not go with my husband to all the appointments and take a note of what was said, he would forget (or choose to forget) everything.  Things have been said to him that he swears he did not hear, therefore could not have been mentioned.  I was not sure whether it was chemo head or selective hearing, and I tend towards the latter now.

    His other ploy is to listen attentively, deny what was said and say about two weeks later, bring the subject up in conversation.  I think some of it is that he needs to get his head around things before he is able to discuss it openly.

    Either way it is difficult for us carers isn't it?  I dread to ask the direct questions about how long, and is this terminal because I feel if my husband does not ask the question it may mean he does not want to know the answers.

    I am not looking forward to Christmas at all but like you am hoping that it will provide a respite from the grind of appointments and worry, even if just for one day.

    I wish you and your husband well and hope that you will find some comfort at Christmas.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Diamondsgirl

    Thank you for your reply. Yes selective hearing it is, yesterday we saw the Consultant and hubby acturally heard everything and even asked questions!

    I ask questions too, but there is one question I won't ask as I know my husband doesn't want to know.

    Tomorrow is the last day of Radio Therapy and we are looking forward to re-starting our lives, next Oncologist appointment January.

    Yes it is difficult being a Carer, but I don't think we have ever been closer as a couple. Strange world isn't it?

    Hope you can both enjoy Christmas, and the time you spend together without the dreaded appointments.

