One in 12 million

  • I'm not alone!

    After hours of searching I managed to find support groups for people with Adrenocortical cancer & their supporters. I'll still be checking in here from time to time and want to say a huge thanks to everyone for their messages and kind thoughts. Please keep sending messages, I'll reply as quickly as I can. Living on a boat, idyllic as it is, has drawbacks like not being hooked up to mains electricity & I only have iPhone…

    Almost pleasant visit to hospital this morning. Lovely radiologist called David went out of his way to put me at ease (even though I'm a veteran at this lark). Rewarded myself with coffee & cake in one of the hospital cafes, I felt I deserved it. Had a delivery of coal & a huge pile of logs this afternoon so we'll stay nice & snug- a lovely young man called Will runs a fuel delivery business from a boat, it makes my life…
  • MRI music

    Having an MRI tomorrow to check out the two new lesions on my liver. I prefer to take my own music & this time I've chosen Hazel O'Connor's Breaking Glass
  • Here we go again!

    MRI tomorrow to get a better look at 2 new lesions in my liver. I had successful RFA on liver lesion in Aug last year, keeping fingers crossed it will be possible again. This is the 5th time, adrenocortical cancer is relentless. I'm beginning to feel terribly alone. Has anyone out there any idea how I'm supposed to deal with this?