Here we go again!

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MRI tomorrow to get a better look at 2 new lesions in my liver. I had successful RFA on liver lesion in Aug last year, keeping fingers crossed it will be possible again. This is the 5th time, adrenocortical cancer is relentless. I'm beginning to feel terribly alone. Has anyone out there any idea how I'm supposed to deal with this?
  • FormerMember

    Hi I am new to the site. I have got a benign tumor in my spine so my journey is very different to yours. I was sad to see your comments about being alone. I don't know anything about your problem but would like to say that you are not alone.  I would like to help you through your journey through the MRI tomorrow and find out how it went. By the way my name is Sue from Barnsley and I would like to be support to you x x x

  • FormerMember
    Hi Sue. Thanks for your support. I apologise in advance if it takes ages to reply- I'm on a phone, no computer, limited by 12volt power supply on boat. I've been in chat room, bit bewildering for a 1st timer, moves so quickly it's hard to keep up on a small screen & I'm slow, 1 finger typing on touch screen! I'm still catching up as far as technology's concerned.
  • FormerMember

    No worries, I am a little lost on this site as well, my kids just shake their head and roll their eyes when I ask for help! I hope you have a good day. I will log in later to find out x

  • FormerMember

    How did your day go? X

  • FormerMember
    Radiographer was a lovely man called David, made the MRI experience almost fun. He was impressed that I have a Scan Outfit, no metal fastenings on anything so I don't have to change into & out of horrid hospital gown. He even removed the cannula straight away (they usually make you sit & wait 5 mins) so I could make a hasty exit. Last night, after trawling the net for hour upon frustrating hour, I found 2 support groups specially for my rare type of cancer (adrenocortical), there are a few people in the UK. I'M NOT ALONE!!!