
1 minute read time.

The day that will stay in my mind forever. 

It’s not good news as me and hubby sat there our worlds falling apart. I’m sorry It is cancer and unfortunately it has spread we can offer you palliative care!!!! What no no no this isn’t how it should be we had plans, we promised we would grow old together that our daughter would have our grandchild and we would spoil it rotten, get a camper van and travel in retirement this was not the plan! This isn’t what we signed up for I don’t want to lose my hubby, best friend, soul mate it’s to soon I can’t be a widow in my 40s! 

Then the anger set in why us why now when everything was going so well, we have good jobs a nice home and lovely family why us!!!

then the guilt why not us? If it wasn’t us it would be another family and i wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

A full range of emotions but one emotion still stays the same that’s the unconditional love that I have for my hubby who over 20+ years has been by my side through thick and thin and has always showed me love loyalty and commitment.

so now I’m the one that needs to be strong and support hubby.
