Not a good day

1 minute read time.

Today has not been good for hubby, We went away for the night what a big mistake he did nothing but moan he’s turned into a very grumpy man. I do understand why as cancer has taken over everything but I did remind him that it may feel like the world is against him but I’m not and we need to make the most of our time together.
The morphine has started to make him sick and he is very sensitive to smells! I don’t suppose walking round seaside was a good idea with all the fish and chip smells but he did manage 2 hours. He is sleeping so much in between coughing and I know the coughing is getting him down but he can’t give up.
I have also noticed he isn’t really listening to me which is very frustrating and has cause a bit of friction!! I know he doesn’t mean it but I refuse to walk on eggshells around him, I never have before and I’m not going to start now. 
So here I am sat at home him asleep with the dog and me just watching them both. No one every told me life would be this hard.

