not waving but drowning

  • going round in circles


    Dad-in-law is getting worse. His memory is deteriorating to the extent that he can't remember which family member has taken him out & where he has been.

    He is very weak. When he has been put to bed he can't sit up and have a drink or switch on his lamp, so when the carer last night forgot to leave his hall light on and he woke up, he didn't know where he was as it was dark. (He is blind in one eye). Last week…

  • yes, everything's fine, thanks


    Back to school today (I'm a teaching assisitant working with primary age children). Usually I would be complaining about the end of the holidays but reading blogs & comments on here I'm VERY aware that I'm lucky, lucky, lucky to be healthy and able to go to work. Hideous cancer puts everything else into perspective.

    J had a day off from caring for his dad yesterday (Sunday) so he relaxed by working like…

  • waiting on the sidelines


    I've lost count now of the number of weeks we've all been waiting for a REAl diagnosis for dad-in-law. He's had test after test after test: but still no actual treatment. Maybe at 97 there isn't any.

    He still won't eat more than the tiniest quantities. He's lost so much weight, he looks like someone from a concentration camp. It really is pitiful to see. He is terribly weak and can't get out of his chair…

  • cautiously optimistic


    Perhaps a glimmer of hope through the all-pervading gloom...

    Doctor visited dad-in-law today. His bloods are normal now (as in his liver & kidneys seem ok) so she has prescribed him some antidepressants. A tiny dose, but it may have a placebo effect. Let's hope so,

    She also managed to convince him to try a week's respite care in a care home!!! J and his brother talked yesterday, then J and their sister talked…