not the superman every 1 thinks i am

  • good days and bad


    over the last week daves had some realy good days even had me laughing on occasions namely buying a new lap top on buy now pay later how he could do it with a straight face i will never no had some good days out to played with his remote control car. also had some hard discusions about his funeral what he wants and what he wants me to do. long may the good days last despite what the doc said about him having realy good…

  • people not beliving


    i know theres a few people who come on to mac and lie but its annoying me that ppl are talking about me behind my back because i use humour as a shield dosent mean that am lieing about my bro its my way of handling it or i would crack up but for people who have there doubts ring lindsey lodge hospice on  01724 270835 ask about david houghton in room 4 who is riddled with cancer and is in constant pain trouble breathing…

  • hard day


    after having some gd days daves gone down hill his tired and in a lot of pain incresesed his pain relief up by a lot its so hard to watch hasent got out of his chair all day. he seems to have relised his not coming home he no longer mentions it but seeing the undertakers every day brings it home to us all am struggling to keep strong but i am and after 5 months of giving up smoking started again its helping even tho i…

  • havent done this for a while


    daves now in the hospice so hard to admit i couldent cope he seemed to pick up and i started to kid my self that he wasent as ill as the docs where saying then he collapses today and brought it crashing home how ill he is trying to be strong for every 1 when i dont want to be strong i just want the cuddles and some 1 else to say take a satep back for a day andy let me bee the strong 1 that sounds so selfish i know

  • fab day


    just so its not all doom and gloom. dave was up and dressed before me when normaly i have to get him out of bed had got him self some breakfast. because his best mate had come from wales to pick him up and to spend the day with him. it was great to see more updates tomorrow