hard day

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after having some gd days daves gone down hill his tired and in a lot of pain incresesed his pain relief up by a lot its so hard to watch hasent got out of his chair all day. he seems to have relised his not coming home he no longer mentions it but seeing the undertakers every day brings it home to us all am struggling to keep strong but i am and after 5 months of giving up smoking started again its helping even tho i know its taking a step back but its helping 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Andy,

    I'm so sorry that you haven't better news about your brother.

    There is nothing I can say which will make this time any easier for you, so I'm just sending you some warm hugs,


  • I am so sorry that Dave has deteriorated and hope the pain relief is helping him.It must be so hard to stand and watch.I think when times are so tough we all look for something to help us through and if a cigarette is helping you then why not and perhaps when the time is right for you then you will give them up again. Sending you more warm hugs Scraton xxxx