Not in control!!!!!!!!



    DAY 2

    By 10 am we had stillnot heard from the hospital about my husband's test results and when we could go and discuss them. My husband phoned the hospital and was told he had been transferred to a different consultant and that a letter had been sent with an appointment for 3rd September!

    Appointment ? they had said we could go to the endoscopy ward for a chat. I then phoned the ward as I got no joy speaking to…

  • Day 1


    No news today but let's take a step back.

    Last Monday my husband had a colonoscopy.We were ushered into a tiny room with not enough chairs and no windows to be told a polyp had been found at it was 'significant'. The next step they said was a CT scan in the next 10 days then the case would be discussed by the Multi Disciplinary Team on the Monday following the CT scan. On the same day I was told my mother…