Day 1

1 minute read time.

No news today but let's take a step back.

Last Monday my husband had a colonoscopy.We were ushered into a tiny room with not enough chairs and no windows to be told a polyp had been found at it was 'significant'. The next step they said was a CT scan in the next 10 days then the case would be discussed by the Multi Disciplinary Team on the Monday following the CT scan. On the same day I was told my mother has a nodule on her right lung.

The following day an appointment arrived by taxi with an appointment letter for a CT scan 2 days later!

Today is Tuesday, the meeting was yesterday, and we have heard nothing. I have had every phone we own with me all day and jumped everytime one rang. I have been very rude and told everyone to @GET OFF THE PHONE'

Tonight I visited my mother to be told a meeting has been arranged for tomorrow for us tomeet the chest specialist.

I am someone whohas spent my whole adult life in control and now I have none. I don't know how I am going to cope. I go back to work a week on Monday and I can't see how there will be enough hours in a day.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi and welcome to the Online Community. It sounds as though you are going through a really tough time - it must be so hard to cope with worrying about both your husband and your mum. I hope that it helps to share things here on the site.

    You might want to start by joining and posting in some groups that are relevant to you - that way you will find other members with similar experiences. For example, we have a Bowel Cancer group and we also have a Carers group, for those with a loved one living with cancer.

    Another good way to get support is to call our free Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm) - they are there to listen if you need someone to talk to, and can also help you work out what help you may be eligible for.

  • FormerMember


    We too were told that they would hold MDI meetings about my dad, and I too waiting for the phone but no-one ever rang.  You need to ring them and find out what's going on.  They deal with so many people and it's very difficult as it's YOUR husband you need to know, but to them it's a patient number.

    I'm sorry to hear about your mum too, that's not good.  At least from a positive point of view (I always try to look that way - used to drive my dad mad!) they're dealing with it fast and as soon as they know what is what (cultured the biopsies etc.) they'll have a treatment plan.  But certainly keep ringing them or you'll go nuts waiting for them.

    Unfortunately cancer is something we have no control over and I hated that our oncologist, that man, had control of my dad's life and I dreaded him ever sitting in front of us and withdrawing treatment.

    Thinking of you x

  • FormerMember


    Welcome to the community no one wants to join.

    When you're waiting for the MD Team to decide what is best it does seem as though you have lost control, but be assured they will want to do what is best for your Dad. They will not give up easily.

    It is doubly tough for you having your Mum affected as well and I hope that she is progressing well.

    At the moment we can only send you some big hugs,

    Keep in touch,,

    Colin xxx