Bumps, Bruises and the tumour that never was.

2 minute read time.

It's probably a little early to declare today a good day but it's warm and sunny and that's enough to make a ginger smiley (providing there is enough suncream) even though I managed to fall over twice on my walk to another episode of endless appointments with health care professionals. More tests. On the bright side that all went without a hitch. On the not so bright side I've now fallen down 3 times in 2 days and am the proud owner of 6 massive bruises. 

The falling over is nothing new so I won't begin another epic panic about disease. One of my legs is longer than the other and I was born prematurely and suffering fits which left me with absolutely no spacial awareness or coordination. It's pretty common for me to fall over in a heap for no discernable reason but the angry bruises make me look like either a thug or a victim of domestic abuse. I'm asked about them a lot and today was no different. 

I have managed to put my mind at rest for the time being where 'internal cancer watch' is concerned. My imagined kidney cancer is a pulled muscle and I lose all marks for guesses in the neck cancer scare. I've looked it up and it's almost definitely my jugular vein. No wonder all that poking made it hurt! I know I still need to be vigilant but maybe we can dial down the blind fear every time I discover a part of my body I just hadn't paid attention to for the first 26 years.

This period of rational (mainly) thinking has given me time to ponder what I can do. Fundraising at some point definitely but also the awareness factor. According to the book they don't really know what causes it but if you have an autoimmune disorder (I do), an under active thyroid (mum does), rheumatoid arthritis (both parents and grandparents do) or have ever had glandular fever (I have) you are more at risk. In fact all I need to complete the set is cancer treatment (I'm getting that), 2 stomach viruses, HIV and Hepatitis. I'm not looking to go all Pokemon and 'collect them all' since they don't sound the least bit appealing but I do wish someone had told me I was basically a walking, talking, living target of doom where dodgy cells were involved. It wouldn't have changed it but maybe I wouldn't have wrongly assumed it was an ugly cyst for months either.

Anyway off to work I go full of smiles and the hope I manage to get through the rest of the day in an upright position. If all else fails I'm armed with porridge and music and I'm not afraid to use them!

  • FormerMember
    Well good luck atbwork,enjoy your porridge, me im looking forward to at least a whisky when this is over
  • FormerMember

    I'd go for a whiskey but I think the fact you've endured pre-school names for several days definitely means you deserve it more. That and the fact drinking at work might be a tad frowned upon. Make it a large one! 

  • FormerMember
    Lol,work,not sure i be back to that for a while,but as soon as this hdc is over and i get some sort of taste back i straigh of to the pub, Trouble is made a rash statement in annoyance when re diagnosed that i go to the pub in skirt and blouse if im ever cured,so my wife may make it a white wine
  • FormerMember

    I'm sure you'll rock a skirt and blouse, especially after a celebratory drink or 6! :)  Hope you're enjoying a game of 'name that nurse' while you wait for the treatment to be finished. You win if they start answering to the absurd name or if it prompts them to actually use your name.

  • FormerMember
    We see pencil i think in august. Race you to the bar