New Haw Saint Bladder Cancer journey

  • HOME (20 June 2020)

    The epidural removal didn’t really affect me. The nurses kept checking where the block was by blasting either side of my body with freeze spray but I could always feel it, except for a bit by my knee. Intravenous paracetamol was then used. I ha...
  • DAY OF OPERATION (18 June 2020)

    Still extremely tired and sore, but want to put a few things down in the coming days. Remember this is hopefully going to be of use to a future patient. Spoke to surgeons and anaesthetists on Monday June 15th 2020 about 8:00. Also saw Stoma nurse who...
  • IN RECOVERY (17 June 2020)

    That was tough. I can’t pretend otherwise. Monday 15th June knocked me for 6.Operation was somewhere between 8 and 10 hours. I do have a Neobladder so no stoma and bag, ICU after op and all day yesterday yesterday. In ward now absolutely shatte...
  • NEO DAY -1 (14 June 2020)

    Mission accomplished yesterday, with a helping hand from my work colleagues who sent me some beer. It’s like going on holiday, just not looking forward to next week as much as I did Italy last year. Talking of holidays, me and 18 year old steps...
  • NEO DAY -3 (12 June 2020)

    In case you were wondering what all the “wife’ references are about rather than using her name, well it’s because we wanted this to be pretty anonymous. Obviously you all know who she is, but my plan at the end of all this is to put...