plastic surgeon appoinment

1 minute read time.

had my long awaited placcy appointment today. he  was really nice and we had a good laugh. he thought i wouldnt need skin graft to face and that he could remove it and sew it back up (in his best sewing of course lol)  having the stiches follow the natural line near nose so less conspicuous. the one of my toe however seemed to give him concern so he went away to speak with GOD the highest placcy man. a couple of minutes later they both return and after further proding and poking they decide that this may be malignant and that they would remove it, cover the toe then do my face whilst the mole was being investigated, and if need be further surgery would be done. this is now classed as an urgent referreal so i had to have swabs done for mrsa and was told i would hear something very soon. not quite the outcome i was hoping for but should now be done sooner rather than later.



just been on chat and realised it was a mistake as im not up for chatting as such, just feeling sorry for myself so apologies to those on chat, will hopefully be back again tomorrow



  • FormerMember

    Hi House,

    Hope all your placcy works out ok. So you feel sorry for yourself we all have at one time or another

    felt like that. No need for apologies. All the Best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe

  • FormerMember

    Good luck, Purp!  Hope it all goes well for you!

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    the very best of luck purplehouse and don't apologise about the chatroom.  Those that use it have all had days like you've had, they understand and if they don't......well they weren't worth bothering with in the first place.

    Lets hope once you have a clear plan of action you will feel a little better.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    purple hope you soon get your treatment over and things

    look better,  You are bound to worry till then ,

    our thoughts are with you. take care. plumxx