
Less than one minute read time.

Well  I am here again yesterday i saw the surgeon at Heartlands Hospital and from what he saw and from what he said then he will do the operation that i need i will keep you all posted as to how things go the operation will take place in the third week in march so i will be unable to keep youi posted for a while after that date as i am sure i will be sore, any way i want all the group to know that one of our founders has surrcumed to his CANCER and finally died our jonnie will be sadly missed by all i am sure R.I P JONNIE5.

                               all for now


  • FormerMember

    Hello James ... just wanted to wish you all the very best for your surgery next month.

    So sorry to hear about Jonnie5 passing away from his cancer ... he will be sadly missed in the Head and Neck Cancers group. Rest in peace, Jonnie ...

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hello James.  I had been wondering how you were getting on, best wishes for your surgery, I will be thinking of you. 

    I was very sorry to read about Jonnie5.  When I first joined the Head and Neck group I read all the old posts and I found what he had written to be a great help and strength.  Very sad news.

    Take care x

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry to hear about Jonnie, us three were the three musketeers for a while, I hope he rests in peace.  Sorry I havent replied sooner for some reason i dont seem to be getting notifications anymore I must have inadvertently switched off or unticked a box. I am glad that there are going to give you surgery James although I know it will be hard for you. My thoughts and best wishes are with you. Nina