My mum has extensive sclc

  • Thursday January 6th 2011 - Epiphany


    Today is Epiphany where Christians celebrate the coming of the magi (3 wise men/kings) to see the baby Jesus.  If you look in the dictionary today you will find Epiphany means a moment of sudden revelation or insight.  Today is also the 12th week anniversary of my wee mums passing and so seems a perfect time for me to realise that I cannot continue to see every Thursday for the rest of my life as a day of mourning. 


  • December 31st 2010 - How things change!


    I've just been reading my blog post from when mum was first diagnosed.  They vary from very sad to extremely positive and happy.  I've just read the post I made on December 31st 2009, how quickly things can change.  Here it is:-

    Mum went for her chest x-ray this morning and then we saw the oncologist.  I was very nervous although I was aware that mum seems better and says she feels quite well.  We went into the…

  • Thursday December 30th - Looking back, looking forward?


    As I approach the New Year I find myself looking back.  Looking back to years spent celebrating the New Year with my mum, dad, gran and auntie.  When I was younger I used to wonder why people would cry whilst wishing each other a Happy New Year.  Every year, as a teenager, I used to dread the bells knowing that mum, gran and auntie would all shed a few tears, although the tears would only last a few minutes before the party…

  • Christmas day 2010 - A surprisingly nice day!


    As you know I've been dreading this day and just didn't know how I'd get through it without mum.  I have spent the last week in tears but today, as yet, I haven't shed any. 

    The reason I've had such a nice day is because of all my lovely friends, family and, of course, my adopted family.  I have had so many lovely texts and phonecalls throughout the day.  People taking time out of their day to let me…

  • Thursday December 23rd - Life without my mum.


    It's exactly 10 weeks since my mum passed away.  People say time heals but, at the moment, I can't see it!  I've cried more in the last 5 days than I've cried in my life.  I even cried this morning at the first line of a song on a pampers advert!  Everything, and nothing, sets me off. 

    I'd give anything to have my mum back.  To hear her voice, feel her hug, see her smile.  I realise she wasn't just a big…