December 31st 2010 - How things change!

2 minute read time.

I've just been reading my blog post from when mum was first diagnosed.  They vary from very sad to extremely positive and happy.  I've just read the post I made on December 31st 2009, how quickly things can change.  Here it is:-

Mum went for her chest x-ray this morning and then we saw the oncologist.  I was very nervous although I was aware that mum seems better and says she feels quite well.  We went into the room and then Dr Mehta and Christine, mums CNS, came in with big smiles on their faces.  Dr Mehta asked how mum had been feeling, how was her breathing etc.  She then explained about the back pain she's been having but confirmed that she has suffered with lower back pain for a few years on and off.  She also asked him to look at her bald head as she still has lots of wee spots on it.  He said to try E45 rather than sudocrem and says if there are any more yellow heads that maybe her GP could give her an antibiotic.  He wasn't unduly worried and said it was probably just her head sweating in her wig that was causing it. 

After he checked her all out he said that he was delighted with how she has responded to the chemo and that the x-ray looked good, the cancer is shrinking!  Mum is absolutely thrilled.  We know it's terminal and can't be cured but the fact that it's responding to treatment at the moment is fabulous news and has really helped her feel even more positive as we approach 2010.

I am so proud of my mum, at 74 she has taken everything that's been thrown at her remarkably well, and apart from before she had her head shaved, has never shed a tear or felt in the least bit sorry for herself.  She has been so positive but I could see today that up until now she has been hiding the fact that she is worried and scared as she looked so relieved and happy to get the news.  She walked slowly into th hospital this morning at 8.30am and practically skipped out some two hours later!

A really good day!!

We were so full of hope at this time last year.  Dr Mehta and Christine were so pleased to give us the good news that the cancer was shrinking.  How things change but the one thing that hasn't is that I am still so incredibly proud of my mum and the way she handled her illness.  I know she worried about me, I know all she ever wanted was for me to be happy.  

So, although I am heartbroken that you are no longer with me mum, I will do my best to move forward into 2011 in the way you would want me to.  It won't be easy but I will get there!   

 I love this picture of mum and I, I have it framed in black and white in my dining room.  We both look so happy and yet it was a few years after we had lost my dad.  Looking at it gives me hope that one day I will be happy again.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Nic and John, I wish you all the best for the coming year.  I just wonder do you think this is a sign?  On Wednesday I went shopping with Gillian.  I bought a number of things for the house, curtains, bedding and treated myself to a new Radley bag.  All of my purchases were at least 50% off in the Boundary Mill sale but I came home having spent £250.  Now whenever I bought anything for the house mum always wanted to contribute, even though she only had her pension.  This afternoon my postman arrived and I received a letter from the DWP.  It was addressed to me but I've never had anything to do with the DWP.  When I opened the letter I found a cheque for £250!  The letter explained this money was owed to mum and the cheque was made out to me.  Just like my mum to still be contributing to the household costs 11 weeks after she has passed away!  

    Initially I was really upset and cried my eyes out; I didn't want the cheque, I'd rather have mum back but then I thought why did the cheque arrive today (it was dated December 16th) and why did it  happen to be the amount I had just spent 2 days before?  So as far as I'm concerned my mum sent me that cheque today to let me know she is still, and will always be, with me and looking out for me.

  • FormerMember

    Caroline, you are an tremendously brave woman, compassionate and caring, and you have had a horrendously difficult year. As you look back , I know you will feel desperately sad that your Mum is no longer by  your side, but she is right with you in your heart and no-one could have done more than you did. Your Mum would be very proud of you, I am sure that from above she looks down with such pride and contentment, and she would tell you to try to face 2011 with some of that strength from within. xx

    I, too, have felt very upset today and wish I could fast forward past the new year but I know my mum would want me to take part in the celebrations with the family and do my best to remember her with a smile. I will try, and will be thinking of you as the old goes into new . 2010 has not been a kind year for us, yet our Mums are now at peace and we have been blessed and enriched by having them in our lives and will keep them close by us forever in our hearts.

    With love to you, Sharonxxx

  • FormerMember

    Caroline that has just made me shed a tear and as my friends say Im a hard nut- thats not easy!!

    Im just so pleased to read that you have a renewed determination to be happy in honour of your mum- this would please her so much

    Its hard to say goodbye to even a horrible year when having to start another without someone special but i think looking back has helped you to see yes how things change but also how far you have come and may help you to raise your glass to a brave lady who fought so hard and who you loved so much.

    Heres to your mum and hopefully to some peace and happiness for you in the future xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hugs - happy New year form me too xx