Monday September 20th - I don't know what to do!

1 minute read time.

Mum seems to be deteriorating by the day.  She can't wash or dress herself.  She can't get out of bed or stand up from a chair.  When I ask her to move her leg a certain way like mum move your left foot forward. she thinks she's doing it but nothing happens.  She can shuffle along when I support her but is extremely unsteady and her left leg seems weaker than her right.  She seems vacant like the lights are on but nobody's home.  I can't explain it.  If you talk to her she answers and seems lucid but doesn't engage in conversation.  I would not dare leave her in the house on her own and just don't know what to do.  My aunt and uncle asked me today if I didn't think it might be an idea to get her into hospital where they can assess her properly.  I really don't want to do this but know that maybe it has to happen.  I really wish she had been able to get into the hospice but that hasn't been possible.  My nerves are in tatters.  If she felt ill I wouldn't hesitate in getting her to hospital but she's eating well, doesn't have any pain and says she doesn't feel confused.  I just don't know what to do!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, hope thing soon get better agree with others urine infection can make you very weak. take care and big hugs to you and mum...xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, Even if your Mum can`t or does n`t want to go into a Hospice.  Your local Hospice should be able to offer you lots of help & advice. You sound as though you are almost at your wits end with worry which I can well understand. Your local Hospice will send either Nurses or Home visitors to help you both at this difficult time .You as your Mum`s Carer need help & support every bit as much as your Mum. Please don`t be afraid to contact them You will find they will be only to pleased to offer you advice and support.

    I have had more help from my local hospice and McMillan Cancer nurses than from any Dr`s and Consultants.

    Alex  (amunro36)

  • FormerMember

    Hi there, big hugs to you, agree with other posts, could be some sort of infection. Get her looked at and take some time for yourself and recharge.

    much hug and love Jayne

  • FormerMember

    Caroline your mum sounds just the same as my dad was when he had a bad urine infection, it can really cause alot of problems in elderly people and they are often vacant and seem switched off if thats the right way to explain it. A simple test will tell whether thats the case and i agree with everyone here mum needs as to be accessed. I wish you both well

    love scarlet xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi caroline , i agree with the others my first reaction was uti , or how are sodium levels ?

    you need to get your mum reassesed asap as may be a simple answer ,

    love and hugs jenni xxx